Clem’s Captains Call: Round 9

Looking for a POD captain candidate? Clem Cassidy provides her best picks outside of Nicho for Round 9 Supercoach.

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F = m x a = 90kg x glorious wet locks m/s2 = (check rain radar or sub/VO5) 60 x 4ta + 60 + 113 + 24 = 220 points… Which is maths and also physi… …oh! Hello friends! I was just testing out some mathematically scientific physics equations for us to try and determine who we should Captain this week. And the answer is Prince Nicho in the torrential Sydney rain vs the Dragons. His glorious hair will be wet. Very, very wet. And simple hair physics tells us that’s an extra 60 SuperCoach points right there. And the universe has thrown us a bone by taking away the difficult decision faced by SuperCoachers this round which wa

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