Clem’s Captains Call: Round 3

From Turbo and Teddy, to every Sharks player, Clementine Cassidy has her say on who you should captain.

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Friends. I am facing an existential crisis. A crisis of the heart. You see, today I’m going to do something I have never done before. I am going to detangle myself from a SuperCoach situationship BEFORE it becomes toxic.  That’s right. *deep breath* I am trading out Cheese (Brandon Smith). I know, I know. I can hear your shock from here. ‘How??’ you cry. ‘Who is this Clementine and what have you done with the real one??’ ‘Has she become lactose intolerant? Just like that?’ Embed from Getty Images I can sense your confusion, dear friends. So, to help, I will take you on a journey through the depths of my

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